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Five Things That Made Me Happy Today

11:34 p.m.

Stolen from Shear-Madnez:

Five Things (and a bonus) That Made Me Happy Today:

1. Snuggling in bed this morning with the boys.

2. Reading 150 pages or so of my new book.

3. NOT working on the mammoth transcript in my office. In fact, staying out of the office most of the day.

4. Having Hubby really appreciate the dinner I cooked for him (ham, sweet potato, baked macaroni & cheese, and watermelon).

5. Watching the kids play outside tonight while I cut grass and did some outside work. Remember how the scarecrow on Wizard of Oz was all gangly arms and legs and haphazard jerky movements? Youngest Son skates down the driveway, fast, just like that, doing his best to give a thumbs up to anyone watching. Cracks me up. Slowing down obviously never occurs to him.

Bonus: Playing Whoonu (a fabulous Cranium game) with the kids tonight while our dinner was reheating and then after dinner. We should do that more often.


That list pretty much sums up the day today...another beautiful, fine day, I must say.

Oldest Son got up after he was supposed to be asleep already tonight. He just wanted me to know that the school nurse says chicken pox starts on the chest or the back usually, and he's itching.

The middle school and elementary school are both having a big epidemic of chicken pox right now, and I've so got my fingers crossed we skip it. Both kids have had the vaccine, but from what the pediatrician's told me, that's no guarantee. Phooey.

Oldest Son has mentioned to me several times over the last few weeks how many more kids were out because of chicken pox now, and how lucky they were. I've always been so smug in telling him he's had the vaccine and that he probably won't get it...hope he doesn't make me eat those words.

Over and out.

3 comments so far cardiogirl - 2007-09-24 09:54:21
I would really appreciate you (like hubby did) if you cooked ME a dinner like that!
Carol - 2007-09-24 15:13:55
You might want to tell OS (and burst his no school bubble) that he would still have to turn in his school work even if he is out. At least that is how it is here in Tx.
Joan - 2007-09-24 21:21:00
I used to work at a middle school until two years ago. All of the 7th graders were coming down with chicken pox, even though they had already been immunized. Well, it was all reported to the board of health and apparently, now all kids are being told to get a booster shot - you should call your pediatrician. My kids got both the original shot when they were 12 and now they have both received the booster shot.

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