
cardiogirl - 2007-09-24 09:54:21
I would really appreciate you (like hubby did) if you cooked ME a dinner like that!
Carol - 2007-09-24 15:13:55
You might want to tell OS (and burst his no school bubble) that he would still have to turn in his school work even if he is out. At least that is how it is here in Tx.
Joan - 2007-09-24 21:21:00
I used to work at a middle school until two years ago. All of the 7th graders were coming down with chicken pox, even though they had already been immunized. Well, it was all reported to the board of health and apparently, now all kids are being told to get a booster shot - you should call your pediatrician. My kids got both the original shot when they were 12 and now they have both received the booster shot.

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