
Shear - 2007-08-29 06:30:10
Oh my! My son (he's 10) asked if he could play the harmonica in the band. They said no, so he pointed to the tuba and said I guess I'll try to play that. They're going to try him on everything to see what he can actually play. He also is wearing Axe now and wants to grow his bangs out so he can do the neck-jerk flip to get them out of his eyes. I think our babies are growing up.
cinzel - 2007-08-29 07:31:06
Holy smokes.
Heather - 2007-08-29 09:02:19
I must be getting older, or just entirely out of the loop, because I've never heard of Axe before. Sounds like I'm not missing much thought. ;) -I took little Buddy to the barber shop for the first time last week, I'll write an entry about it soon. He was so good! I was shocked.
Pattypat - 2007-08-29 10:55:39
Yipes! It all works out, but I'm with you on that whole change thing. I know you'll look back and say "What was I worried about?" but it is the time before that that is difficult. I'm saying a prayer.
terri - 2007-08-29 11:36:40
Wow, I had a friend who was approached about leaving our company, made a hugely ridiculous demand and it was met. She took the job and never regretted it until many years later. (and only because the industry we were in has changed so dramatically) Hope you and your husband can determine if this is a good move. Sounds like they value his work and are willing to meet his demands....why not try it out?
terri - 2007-08-29 11:41:10
Thanks so much for your for the reason she got mad....suffice to say sexual abuse by family member and she first blamed my mother for not "saving her" and then passed that on to me even though she never told me until she was in her 30s....and I shared a bedroom with her when she said it was happening...????
yankeechick - 2007-08-29 20:34:58
Oh, Man! Damned if you do and damned if you don't! I'm sorry things are looking so tough for you right now. I sure hope it works out well for all of you!
Holly - 2007-08-29 21:03:02
They all go thru that stinky phase. Luckily they do grow out of it eventually, when their sense of smell returns, and they discover girls don't like to choke on the smell.

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