
boom boom - 2007-08-13 13:49:07
mondays.. a necessary evil!
wannagowest - 2007-08-13 18:19:59
Wow, I would've been pissed at that bus driver, too. How rude. I mean, the kid just got attacked by a dog, for crying out loud! Is he okay? Hope the bite wasn't serious.
Holly - 2007-08-13 19:13:36
Let's hope you can find the owner. Did the dog break the skin?? I hope not, otherwise you will really really need to find the owner. Poor kid. I hope you also called animal control, and reported it. I got attacked by a neighbors dog when I was little, he was just playing but he was big enough to scare the crap out of me.
yankee-chick - 2007-08-14 12:06:20
I posted this over in my comments section as well...just so you wouldn't miss it! :) Hey Melanie! I know, I haven't posted in so long over there that you wouldn't know about it, but you are welcome to peep! There is no password. The way it works here is that YOU have to set up a Word Press account (which is no big deal....just create a user name and password. You don't have to actually 'set up' a blog or anything. Then I add your WP address to my "Approved Reader Blog Roll". It would most likely be '' (if you keep your same user name) for example. Then when you click on it it asks for you to sign in with your user name and password to read it I hope you do it! I'd like to have you over there, buddy!
Kathy - 2007-08-15 10:26:33
Having had to put out $7,000 to keep the neighbors unleashed dogs away from my kids, this subject is major with me. I don't understand why in the hell people who own dogs assume we want their dogs in our yards, pooping and attacking our children. I'm the one in the neighborhood who captures loose dogs and calls animal control to come and fetch them so at least the owners have to fork over money to get their dogs back. Gads! I hope your son is okay.

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