
Jenn - 2007-02-21 00:39:28
I actually saw a MythBusters episode about that whole turning the light on&off vs. keeping it on all the time myth. It's not true. Turning a light on or off actually uses a tiny fraction of the amount of electricity and it doesn't affect the actual number of hours of use you get out of it by much.
m-lewis - 2007-02-21 08:53:55
I'm about to head out of here. Got a civil jury trial today and if I don't get there early, all the parking spaces will be taken. I was thinking about your mail carrier just yesterday when I was home painting a back bedroom. The reason I was thinking about your mail carrier was I remembered how you were talking about the television show, Bewitched and nosy Gladys Kravits. Well, I was thinking about Samantha's magic. I could only twitch my nose, I could have the whole entire bedroom painted. And if I didn't like the color... well, you know, the nose twitch thing -- and zing, it's a whole nother color. How far do you live from your mother anyway? And by the way, I'm probably allergic to cats too, but like you, I'm not about to get rid of them. I WUVE THEM!
Holly - 2007-02-21 20:26:34
Sounds like my allertgies, dust, mold, pollen, weeds.. guess I shouldn't have been born in a prairie state..

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