
Pattypat - 2006-11-02 13:00:21
I'm a big believer in retail therapy! There's something about new clothes that is such a new beginning. There is another coldwater creek coupon code if you want it - let me know. Re the allergy thing - I have a HEPA filter and that seems to help a bit with the allergy thing - that and lots of water. I also read that if you have honey made from wildflowers in your area (or other native honey) it helps cut down on allergies.
cinzel - 2006-11-02 13:19:53
We both know the doctor over there does NOT weigh. :) Next excuse???
wannagowest - 2006-11-02 19:33:55
I used to have horrible allergy symptoms every fall until I started using Flonase. I know, it's prescription only and you'd have to see a doctor to get it (sorry), but it's been a miracle drug for me. The best part about it, besides the fact that it WORKS, is that it doesn't make me drowsy like OTC sinus/alergy stuff does.
Shear - 2006-11-02 22:35:10
The ragweeds nearly killed me a couple of weeks ago. My hubby and son take OTC Claritin non drowsy formula. It works for them. I didn't take it and I was the one who got sick and ended up at the dr's office.

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