
Megan - 2006-04-11 09:09:27
I am still laughing. "We grow our own (zoo) here." What a perfect line, or is it "lion?" Around here we listen to packs of ?Coyotes yip and howl in the evening. I thought that was eerie enough, but LIONS. We have the occasional opossum, skunk, deer, elk, armadillo, maybe even a black bear -- but no lions (Thank God). I love to read your posts. They make me laugh. Your children sound absolutely precious.
Megan - 2006-04-11 09:11:47
I forgot -- congratulations on your weight loss. That's just awesome! I'm still on T-factor's maintenance plan, and it's been four years now.
Cindy - 2006-04-11 10:12:23
Don't forget short, red-headed John...God knows he needs to be caged up!!! :)

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