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Baby got back.

4:14 p.m.

Remember all those clothes I talked about ordering a few entries ago? Most of them came on Saturday morning, and today I finally got enough nerve up to try them on.

First off, everything in this order was from QVC. Love their Dialogue brand Euro-Crepe separates. Those fit really well, and I even like the wheat color set, which I wasn't too game on when I pulled it out of the bag. Must make some fabulous jewelry to wear with that, because it's going to need something livening that color up.

The other brand I ordered from them, though, was the Citiknits brand...three different sets in that brand, and just...yuck. It's all clingy in the wrong places and disappointing at best. Downright gross at worst. It looks like slinky velvet or something. I'll be sending all three of those back. Hopefully I'll get that done in this year. I'm notoriously bad about not sending stuff back.

Just a question for all my fat friends: Do you guys notice how much "back" you've got? I am well aware of just how wide my ass is, but damn, what is that lump of fat between my waistband and the top of my behind called??? I've been noticing that geographic zone for years, yet it still amazes me when I catch sight of it. Thank God my bridesmaid days are over. A bow highlighting that region would not be pretty.

Today in the mail I got a card from a charity saying they'll be picking up items in our neighborhood tomorrow. I'm going to force myself into our closet tonight and fill a couple boxes. Oh, sure, I want to wear it all again someday when I get skinny, but it's ridiculous how many clothes there are in there I can't wear. Hubby can wear all of his, but he sees every shirt he's ever owned as sacred. Since he's going to be out of town till tomorrow night late, I've got to seize the opportunity.

I went back to my regular job this a.m. It was a nice change of pace from the court work, too. I've been home since about 12:30 or so, and being home when the kids and Hubby aren't is nice. When I got in I started immediately working on housework. I didn't get much of it done this weekend, but it looks a lot better now, and it smells good, too. Love the Yankee Sweet Melon candle.

Unfortunately I didn't get as many checks in while I was gone as I thought I would. Guess I'm going to have to send out some nasty-grams and start shaking the money tree to get clients paying. I hate when I have to do that.

I haven't answered any e-mail yet, and I had a bunch of them when I got home. I am going to answer though, and maybe sooner than you think! Also, Becky, I haven't made you an anklet yet, but I did make you two bracelet and earring sets yesterday. Guess I was in the bracelet mood rather than the anklet mood. Somedays I'm only in the keychain mood.

Last but not least, Elizabeth, bless you for finally updating. Dennis was two hurricanes ago, and I was beginning to wonder if the Mr. Clean fumes knocked you out. Happy Belated Birthday to you, too! Hope you got to do something fun and had the day off.

3 comments so far Becky - 2005-07-25 17:04:36
No worries Cuz.. bracelets, necklace, earings.. I'm sure they're all beautiful! I'm still investigating the beading bug in hopes of getting bit! Glad you're home safe and sound!
Kathy - 2005-07-25 18:57:33
Dang you and you're making your own jewelry! Just kidding! You go, girl!
loki-katt - 2005-07-26 12:40:55
fat back? Isn't that something our grandmonther's cooked with? ;-) As I am displeasingly plump all over, no one geographic region gets more notice than the others. I'd like to meet the man who decided to put a huge mirror directly across from the bathtub so I can see my naked self climb in and out of the shower each morning...disgustingly sobering.

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