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Updates on several things

7:28 p.m.

Hmm....I had started an entry earlier this evening, and hubby came in saying he needed to reboot my computer because he installed a new router and whatever-something-techical-I-don't-know-don't-care language followed. I had stopped writing to go stir the dinner that was cooking, and I'd minimized my open entry screen. Still, I hurried my behind in here to close it. Too late.

He'd decided to do something else first, and had pulled my screen up. I don't know that he read it, and I don't even really care if he does, it's just that this is my place. I haven't told him about it, and the main reason is I fear he would give it to people to read. I know him.

This is the same man that I advised very strongly I didn't want anyone in the labor and delivery room but myself and him. Period. None of his family or my family. Us. And then on the day of delivery I called upon my mom to enforce said policy, because I didn't trust him to do it. She did enforce it well, I might add. His sister just got in one time, with my mom right behind her, getting her back out. :)

And it's not that he doesn't want to keep quiet about some things, and knows he should, it's like he just can't help himself. More than once I've had to tell him not everyone needs to know all of our business all the time.

Okay, on that note, I really hope he wasn't paying much attention to this.

I looked back just now to see when I started swimming, and it was July 8. Since July 8 I've swam every day but three. One of those days I did aquacise instead, and two of them I took the day off completely. I must say I'm impressed with myself. I weighed again today, and I haven't lost or gained one ounce. Hmmph.

Today I decided my goal is to one day be able to walk up those very steep 19 steps into the gym without breathing hard. Well, actually I wait till I get back downstairs to the women's locker room, and then I sit there and practically hyperventilate and think to myself how sad it is just coming to the gym strains me.

I haven't been back to an aquacise class yet. I decided I really didn't want to go until I got another swimsuit, so I ordered one last Friday and put extra dollars towards the fast shipment option. They told me I'd have it yesterday, but I didn't get it till 6:00 this evening. There's no class this evening, and I've already swam today, so I'll have to break it in at tomorrow night's class.

Since I wasn't going to the classes, I encouraged hubby to try Saturday morning's class. He was duly impressed with the workout he got, and really enjoyed it as well. He also went Monday night and last night.

Tomorrow night is my night. And right about now I'm thinking I will also bring a change of clothes and maybe go to Barnes & Noble or something afterwards so that he puts the kids in bed.

Getting both kids out the door these days is like climbing those stairs at the gym. No matter how organized I try to keep us, somebody somehow always manages to need this or that or whatever that I have to do something about. I envy the hell out of hubby walking out the door every day when the kids aren't even up yet. It's not his fault, but damn I wish I had to go to work early and he had to get kids out the door.

Younger Son has finally, finally, finally gotten the potty thing under control. Thank God. I was really wondering. Last weekend it just clicked. He, though, is about to drive Mama to the brink of her sanity with his three-year-oldness. He gets so thoroughly frustrated when he doesn't have the coordination to do all he wants, and then he loses it totally if you try to help him. Oh. my. God.

His latest thing is he must lock the front door with my keys in the morning, and he must unlock the car as well. I know this sounds minor, but we've been through this stage before, and he still doesn't have the hang of unlocking and locking with a key. And 45 minutes before I need to be at a job and still have to drop both kids off is not when I want him to gain said skills. Yet trying to help him or hurry him only enrages him and creates even more time lost. Gah.

I have many mornings considered going back in to add a shot of something, anything, to my coffee after I get him in his car seat. Patience, I tell myself, this too will pass. But I only half believe it. :)

Today, for the second day in a row, Oldest Brother has called me. I am smiling just thinking about it. He used to call me almost every day, and it would always be right around dinner time for us (he still has that habit, it seems), and I was often irritated with his timing.

But one day when he was still in sedation in ICU, I was standing there holding his hand and vowed to myself I would not take him for granted anymore. Right now I'm not having any trouble keeping that promise to myself. I know life will be more and more normal after a while, but man, I have missed him.

Today he told me the therapy folks may have him up using a walker and hopping around Mom's house by next week. And his incision is doing well. One area that was unhealed when he left the hospital has closed, and the other is significantly smaller. He's getting better and stronger. :)

He's also been puttering around on Mom's computer, something that never interested him all that much before. I don't know that it really does now, either, but he's just looking for something to do. He also told me he's been pricing trucks online. He's determined to drive for a living again. God, please let this happen. I don't know how he can with the vision loss in his left eye, but if there's any way, please let him have that much happiness.

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