
cinzel - 2007-02-06 10:48:22
Nah...last one gets to hear the clerk cussing the first one. :)
nannycarols - 2007-02-06 16:09:40
My Aunt has allergy problems with cats. She uses some stuff that you wipe on them to help with her allergies to her cat. I will try to find out what it is and send to you.
m-lewis - 2007-02-06 17:50:25
You poor thing. The judge I work for, his wife and son are both allergic to cats, however they have two very exotic breeds that they are extremely fond of... so they take them to a groomer in town about twice a month. She somehow washes the allergins away (temporarily). Seems to work for them. I just got off the phone with a deputy clerk who was "wondering" when I planned on turning in my appeal, which is due Feb. 25th. I "wonder" what her rush is to get this transcript in her hot little hands? I'm almost finished proofing it, so she can take a deep cleansing breath. BTW: I'm SOOO happy I don't have to worry with science projects any more.

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