
Sueellen - 2006-11-11 09:43:51
Wow, what a few days you are having! Good luck with hubby's surgery; hopefully it will give him some relief! The doctor hasn't said anything yet to me about asthma; but definitely sounds like it is what you have. My stepson has had it all his life; the summer months are the worst for him. One thing I did learn - after you use your inhaler rinse you mouth out with water - he used to get thrush constantly and that was the reason. Hope you have a good weekend and get feeling better!!
wannagowest - 2006-11-11 10:06:49
I'll be thinking about you and your husband. Hope the surgery goes really well!
Pattypat - 2006-11-11 10:24:32
Good luck with all the health issues- I'm thinking of you alland saying a prayer for good things
m-lewis - 2006-11-11 11:08:37
Melanie, I sent you this whole long reply to your most recent post and Diaryland sent me a message saying they wouldn't post it because they thought it was a SPAM message. It wasn't. I have no idea where that came from. Basically, I said I was sorry you had developed asthma. I, too, have it, although it went undiagnosed most of my life. I'm thrilled for your judge and for you as well. Hope this message makes it. You may end up with two messages from me or none at all -- who knows?
Carol - 2006-11-11 19:05:04
Welcome to the world of asthma. I started with mine about 3 yrs ago. watch the blook pressure when doing the inhailor. When doing a breathing treatment stand up straight and look at the far wall.(corner of room)Do your treatment. If you taste it a lot you are not tilting your head right. Ask the pharmacist to give you a demo. Good luck

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