
Heather - 2006-09-27 22:40:28
Ummmmm, Fluffy? C'mon! I had a cat named Fluffy, she was great. Other snobby sounding cat names... Priscilla? Or how about a combination... Preeny? Qwissy? lol
Fi - 2006-09-28 01:12:03
It doesn't matter what you name the cat, the kids will modify it anyway. We have a cat called Skank that started life as Stripe, one called Mr Minyamoo who started off as Bean and Yurg who had no name at all. Names evolve to suit the wee beastie.
loki-Katt - 2006-09-28 08:40:51
I was so sad to hear of Winter's departure. I'm sure Queenie will assume her rightful place as head of soon as Jane decides to let her. Females are way territorial. I know my Rosee took the longest time to accept Lexi, and even now it's only a grudging accpetance, and Lexi's a dog!

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