
Pattypat - 2006-06-16 07:56:52
It must be such a rough time for you right now. Can you take some time for yourself? I'm thinking of you and your family.
Holly - 2006-06-16 08:06:23
((hugs)) I'm sorry so much is going on right now. Why does it seems things always seem to all happen at once?? I'm thinking of you.
Grizmom - 2006-06-16 12:47:21
Someone once said to me in a time of trial and tribulation in my life "that which does not kill us..." I just wanted to smack her right in her pointed stupid nose. She never finished her sentence. (out of fear for her life I imagine) Perhaps the look on my face told her what I was contimplating? Anyway, hang in there. Allow yourself time to grief and remember. It will slowly give way to brighter days and warm memories. I promise you. Love ya PC.

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