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Sell drugs? Expect time.

10:39 p.m.

Not much new around here. The court term from hell has mercifully concluded. This term was loaded with rich kids getting caught selling drugs at the local university. One after another, their prominent families and friends filled our courtroom to capacity, pleading for mercy, as their kid would never ever do this again.

I suppose there are many others selling drugs at the university that deserve to be caught, but these were all caught on undercover video bigger than day.

We certainly have plenty of defendants that don't come from wealthy families, and they all receive prison time. My judge is all about consistency and fairness, and despite the best efforts of their families, these students, too, will serve time. Sell drugs and end up in his courtroom, no matter who you are = a trip to prison.

Most of the time when defendants plead guilty to drug sales, we don't actually see the video in the courtroom. This term I have seen many videos, as the prosecutors play them so that the courtroom audience can actually see with their own eyes their children brazenly selling drugs.

I don't mean to sound heartless, but during the second week it really made me weary, as yet another expectant family packed the courtroom, just sure their case was different, then leaving in tears.

I hope I never spend time in a courtroom on behalf of my children. I do talk to Oldest Son (who is 10) about drugs now, and he has visited in my courtroom. He has seen defendants walk out in handcuffs and shackles, and I do my best to let him know that jail is real and drugs are real. And then I say a little prayer that it is all sinking in for him.


So the Super Bowl...did everyone root for their favorite teams while eating their favorite snacks? I made some deviled eggs...which were just okay. Also, I found a recipe for peanut butter cookies on another diary page that was too easy not to try:

One cup of peanut butter, one cup of sugar (I used white sugar) and one egg. Mix well, bake at 350 for 10 -12 minutes.

They were quite tasty, besides easy.

And then I made a batch of Velveeta/Ro-Tel/Chili dip. I only ate a small bowl of it with chips, but it was exactly what I have been wanting -- soooo good. I had no trouble tossing the rest of it after the game.


Yesterday was a full day for us. We started with Youngest Son's basketball game at 9:30. Oldest Son and I left at half-time so I could take him to a birthday party, during which I ran errands.

When I arrived back at the party, Oldest Son informed me he had called Hubby, and Hubby had said his friend Andrew could spend the night.

So with one more kid, we beat it home in time for Oldest Son to get ready for his basketball game at 2:30. Oldest Son's team won, but only by two points at the very end of the was a great game! Love those that really keep your attention the whole way through, and I was really proud of Oldest Son.

Once we got home I ordered pizza for the kids, and Hubby and I watched movies and ate leftovers. Everything was wonderful till about 3:00 this a.m. when OS came in to tell us that his friend Andrew was vomiting, and could we wash his clothes.

Bless his heart, Hubby actually got up and took care of the boy and put his clothes in the washing machine. Unbeknownst to us, though, was the fact that Andrew threw up twice more during the night (I know, poor kid!) after Hubby came back to bed. Luckily, he made it to the bathroom every time, and didn't get any on the carpet or the bed.

Unluckily (for me) is what a mess he made in the bathroom. I spent an hour today cleaning it off the walls and the floor and washing the shower curtain, the rug, two towels. And another hour making sure Hubby knew how much he should appreciate me. Oh, sure, he got up with him, but I cleaned up the actual mess.


Guess I'd better go dig the puppies out of our bed and toss them outside one last time before crawling into bed myself. Hubby went to bed about an hour ago, and the girls were oh so happy to go with him. They are getting so big, it's quite the chore to make them get up when they don't want to now. Last vet visit (end of Decmeber) they weighed 38 pounds and 40 pounds. No doubt they're a good bit more now.

Sometime the middle of this month we will be having them spayed. The vet wanted them to be at least six months old, which they'll make the 13th. I want to get them spayed before they go through their first cycle and every dog for ten miles shows up to try to dig into our yard.


Tomorrow morning I have an appointment for a haircut at 9:00. Then at 1:30 I have an appointment with an ENT to start allergy testing. I've got my fingers crossed Oldest Son doesn't wake up sick tonight and mess up my best-laid plans.

3 comments so far Heather - 2007-02-05 10:34:04
That reminds me, with your move you missed the big story that's gone on around here. Around the beginning of the school year a bunch of football players from my town's high school -maybe 6 to 10 of them- were busted from robbing a Subway and Food Lion grocery store (ones close to my neighborhood I think). They used a fake gun (the Air Soft kind) to hold the cashier up with, but if you didn't know guns very well, you would never be able to tell the difference. You know how my town is, and some of these kids came from prominent families. I haven't heard if there's been an outcome, but it doesn't sound like anyone will be getting special treatment. I sure hope not. Maybe everyone says this about the younger generation, but I seriously wonder what has gone wrong with them.
Nannycarols - 2007-02-05 17:14:02
I have made those peanutbutter cookies for years. It is easy for kids to make also. Note: After 8 min. You can put a unwrapped hershey's kiss in the middle and it makes the cookie even better.
Fi - 2007-02-05 21:32:49
Bugger! Why couldn't you have posted that recipe when I wasn't on a diet?!

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