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Did you vote?

1:01 p.m.

Today is election day, and my judge is on the ballot. Everyone go vote!! I know y'all can't all help him out, but judging by the pre-vote polls, he'll do just fine. His race has gotten ugly, though, and not ugly by either he or his opponent, but by a lawyer that wants my judge out of office. He doesn't even really know the opponent, just hates mine. Jerk with a capital J.

Cinzel's judge has no opponent, but I planned to write Cinzel's name on the ballot as a write-in. Couldn't figure out how to do it on the new electronic system, though. :)


After voting, I drove into town for a few things and stopped at the Hallmark to get, I thought, a Yankee candle. I ended up buying a Woodwick candle instead. I've never heard of these candles, but they, true to name, have a thin, flat wooden wick. The clerk told me they'll sound like a fireplace crackling when they burn, and sure enough they do. Even Hubby noticed it. I got the cinnamon chai flavor, and it smells heavenly. I may have to move it out of my office, though, as it's a little too cinnamony for me with still questionable allergy/sinus issues. I also got the pomander flavor. Can't wait to try it, too.


Oldest Son had yet another project to do last night (a storyboard, this time), and we didn't finish it till 10:00 last night. We started it Sunday afternoon, but didn't stay with it. Then last night we kept coming up with better ideas, etc., and it took forever. And then he informs me, while we are gluing away, that he has to have an Indian house built for a project next week. What???!!!!??? Man, I AM TIRED OF PROJECTS!!

And he has the same teacher for every subject. If it was different teachers that didn't know they already had projects in other subjects, I might be a little understanding, but he has the same teacher for all his subjects but music, p.e., etc. I'll have to buy more glue before next week for sure. And I hope they have buckets of patience on the shelf next to that glue.


Hubby has an appointment with a neurosurgeon tomorrow afternoon. I really hope he can get some kind of relief and soon. He is miserable.


Off to avoid more laundry and edit a few more pages while I have some kid-free time.

Over and out.

4 comments so far Pattypat - 2006-11-07 15:35:39
Sure - come on over for dinner - a place is set for you - red or white wine? Re your husband's back - my husband had a ruptured disk (not sure if that is what ails your spouse) and we had very good luck with PT and exercizes strengthening his stomach muscles - took alot of pressure off his back. Knock wood, no surgery 15 years later!
m-lewis - 2006-11-07 16:34:27
Oooo. I want one of those Woodwick candles. I've never seen or heard of them before. I love that they make a wood popping sound. Sounds like I need to make a trip to Hallmark.
skibigsky - 2006-11-07 17:44:26
Yeah, unfortunately, it did occur to me that by voting out the current judges, I'm voting in more attorneys. *sigh. And in the past, I have actually voted for specific judges that I like (just so you don't think I'm COMPLETELY anti-judge..!). Red flags are going up on this current attorney, but my friend's thought is that since the reality is to see what happens in the next couple of days, and if the guy doesn't get better, he'll help us find someone else (unfortunately, he helped us find this one - I don't hold that against him!). *double sigh! Good luck to your judge!
skibigsky - 2006-11-07 21:56:05
I missed the neurosurgeon comment earlier. Back or neck? My heart goes out to you and your spouse - I get nervous anytime we start talking neurosurgeon in our household...

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