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If they tell you it's empty, proceed cautiously.

9:07 a.m.

Just like I wrote yesterday, I'm having trouble getting going today. I think I'll start blaming it on Hubby being home and underfoot. I'm now used to peace and quiet during the days...not somebody suggesting things to do instead of what I want/need to be doing. I may have to teach him to bead, though it'd be hard to do one-handed.

In a little while we're going to head into town and do a little grocery shopping and eat lunch.


Do any of you folks out there have experience with the Hooked on Phonics series for kids? I remember absolutely loathing that radio commercial years ago, but now I'm interested. I see Youngest Son having some problems retaining what he's learning right now, and I've heard that game (HOP) makes it really fun for them. But I'd love to hear from someone with some actual use of it.


Last night I did quite possibly one of the dumbest things I've done in quite some time. Youngest Son came to me with what he declared to be an empty toothpaste tube and said he couldn't brush his teeth, because there's no toothpaste.

Recognizing that for the excuse it was, I grabbed the tube and told him I could fix that. It's one of those wide kids' toothpaste tubes, you know, with the big snap-on lid? I snapped the lid good and then grabbed it by the end and flipped it vigorously back and forth.

And the top flipped open and toothpaste went on my ceiling, on my upper cabinets, on my face, on my stove, on the lower cabinets, and on the floor. Geeeeeeeezzzzzz, what a mess. Just little rivulets of blue peppermint toothpaste everywhere you look.

I think I've got it all cleaned up now except for the one on the ceiling. I'm going to have to drag out a taller something to stand on to get that one. And yes, new toothpaste is on the grocery list for today!

3 comments so far Cindy - 2006-09-20 11:56:51
Looka there..didn't even have to burn a candle for that scent!! :)
chocolate chaos - 2006-09-20 13:31:52
hukd on fonix ser werkd for me!
Grizmom - 2006-09-22 12:30:58
OS has used Hooked on Phonics with her kids. Give her a shout. I know her middle daughter had the worst time prior to it and is now gainfully employed and in college! YEAH!!!

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