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Tuesday Three on Wednesday. Again.

10:54 a.m.

List three "simple things" that make you really happy:

1) Watching my kids sleeping. They look so peaceful, and I can't see any wheels turning in their heads nor hear any arguing or whining. I could watch them for hours like this.

2) Hearing a song from Hubby's and my dating days. And if he is present, Hubby will usually ask me to dance. Now that's what I call romance. :)

3) Watching our very old dog get all puppy-like for some roast beef. She can still turn on the charm when we're having her favorite.

List three things that make you really sad:

1) Seeing family members go through very bad things and having absolutely no power to stop the bad things.

2) Sometimes watching my sons (especially Oldest Son) learn a life lesson we all have to learn at one time or another. Like that your best friend isn't always your best friend if there's something better to do. And I know we all have to learn these things, and I don't try to stop them, but they make my heart ache. I really, really dread the first broken hearts. I will need Prozac.

3) The children that are affected when people do the craziest things imaginable and land themselves either in prison or dead.

If you could go back in time and tell the 12 year-old you three things, they would be:

1) After you are all grown, your brothers will be your best friends and allies. True. They're behind you no matter what you do. Possibly with a swift kick in the ass, but they'll be there.

2) What your hair/clothes/whatever looks like does not matter one whit in the big picture of life.

3) Even though he embarrasses you sometimes (a lot), your dad really does love you. A fact you will probably not totally grasp until he's been dead a lot of years and you're raising kids yourself.


I don't know why I can't seem to answer the Tuesday Three on Tuesday, but so far I haven't been successful at that.


We are having lots of heavy rain here this afternoon, as we did last night. The Coppertops were rained out, as a matter of fact. I've already picked up Youngest Son from day care, and today is early release day for Oldest Son, so he'll be home soon, too. Right now would actually be a good time, though, as we sem to be between lines of storms.


I went and filled my my brother's truck we're borrowing for Hubby. He's (Hubby) going to work tonight, but his back is still plenty tender. I thought I'd do that for him so he'll have one less time in and out of the vehicle. Anyway, the truck held $75 worth of diesel. Damn!!

I know there's probably a lot of you out there that'll tell me it costs even more than that to fill yours, but that is a new personal high for us.

Over and out.

4 comments so far skibigsky - 2006-05-10 14:26:06
No, it only costs us $50 to fill our car, but if we are driving a lot, we fill it up every 3 days. Which has lead to an increased desire to car pool! And I know exactly what you mean about the very old dog acting like a puppy - I've got a 14 year old miniature poodle, and she does the 'happy dance' when she thinks she's getting beef jerky. It warms my heart to see her acting much younger than her age!
megan - 2006-05-10 14:32:02
Don't you love to watch a senior citizen (even if it is a pet)enjoy with abandon something they did when they were young and full of it? My old 17-year-old cat still uses his paws to bat at a wiggly string -- a wiggly string still makes his blue eyes grow wide and spark.
chocolate chaos - 2006-05-10 17:03:42
its about $55 to fill my van..
Summer Gale - 2006-05-11 15:31:00
I love the idea of going back in time and telling yourself something. BTW I have a chevy cavalier that I fill for under 30 bucks and it gets 33 mpg. (thank god I commut 100 miles per day!)

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