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QVC - Stop it!

9:38 a.m.

I think I know how teachers feel at the end of the summer. I start a three-week court term next week, and I'm already missing my free time. How sad is that? On the other hand, I'm so ready to get out of the house and see some people, too. No, I'm not conflicted. Much.

The diet is still going on here, too. Somebody needs to tell my scale I'm still dieting, though. I have stayed at the same weight I weighed on Monday, with the exception of a one-pound dip one day, then back up to the same weight again. I'm not losing faith, but I do want to stamp my foot and demand my well-deserved poundage drop. I have dieted many, many times in my life, and I know not to weigh every day, but still I do. I also know the weight will come off, but I must be patient. One of these days I'll jump on the scale and it will be down a couple pounds.

Youngest Son is on a cow-riding theme lately. He's decided you can saddle a cow and ride it like a horse, and he's been telling me this on the way to and from school the past two days. Guess he thinks I'm just not aware of this, or I'd be out cow riding? Don't know what's put this bug in his head.

While I've been beading the last few days, I've turned on QVC to see what's for sale. I did buy an outfit last night, but I could have bought a whole lot more! I love seeing what colors they're selling, and it's given me a couple ideas of color combinations while I'm beading.

The court reporter in me wants to call in and ask them to stop talking over each other, though. My biggest pet peeve e.v.e.r. when I'm in work mode. Guess that means I really am ready to go back to work. :)

Over and out.

2 comments so far Fi - 2006-04-13 20:42:06
Boycott those nasty scales. That'll show 'em.
Grizmom - 2006-04-15 16:16:29
I will tell you I got the book and have it darn near read. I've mixed up some recipes to start my venture. Snacks, breakfasts, etc PRE-MEASURED, PRE-PACKAGED - ready to start! I hope I have as much luck and success as you PC! You're my inspiration! Thanks for the kick in the seat to get started!

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