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Dear Santa, Please come to Room 232.

1:06 p.m.

Looks like we'll be having Christmas in a hotel. The moving company representative and I have been talking today, and the tentative dates are they'll be moving us out next week, Tuesday and Wednesday, and won't be unloading us till Tuesday of the following week, the 27th.

I grew up moving. My dad worked for an oil company as well, and we moved, moved, moved. I spent plenty of holidays in hotels, and I don't remember being particularly bummed by it. It was just the way we had to do it for whatever move it was.

I know we'll survive this, but dammit I just didn't want to spend Christmas there this year. I really wanted to pack, move, and unload in one five-day week, Monday to Friday.

We need a few days here, though, after the movers are gone, to work on this house some. Originally, we had planned to come back for a few days the week after Christmas. We have painting to do, for one thing, that'll take us at least a couple days, and maybe three. After that we'll be having the floor people come in to lay new carpet and refinish the wood floors.

I'm sure both of our families will be clamoring for us to come spend Christmas with them, but that'll involve a whole bunch of extra driving, along with two packed vehicles (full of everything we can't let the movers pack), plus a dog and two cats.

I know my mother-in-law would be happy with everyone but the dog and two cats part, but she has a very small condo, and there may already be other siblings staying there.

My mom and brother would be thrilled to have all of us -- dog and cats welcome, too -- but there, too, is a shortage of room, particularly sleeping room. Too bad my mom's house isn't ready, because she's got plenty of extra room for all of us.

Another reason not to go to Louisiana for Christmas is our vehicles will already be full. Adding a layer of Christmas gifts just won't work. We have trouble packing all the gifts and everything back in the van when we just go visit at Christmas time, much less mid moving.

No, the more I think about it, the more I think it's best we stay put right here over Christmas, then head to Mississippi the day after. Maybe I'll plan out something neat for us to do Christmas Eve, make it a big "our last Christmas Eve in Charleston." I'll tell the kids how fun it is when Santa comes to your hotel room. :)

Even though I'm really enjoying the new job, I have so hated leaving my family behind to work each court term. I was thrilled to learn I wouldn't be having to do that next court term. My husband is excited to start a new job there, learning new things, and he loves the house we're buying (we think, because we still haven't heard from the real estate agent today).

So with all those good things, why am I so upset about these moving arrangements??? I guess because I'm letting myself be. And it is not going to go my way (M-F, done) no matter how we slice and dice it.

My head hurts.

3 comments so far Fi - 2005-12-14 19:03:07
I don't know how you do it. I moved 17 years ago and swore I would never ever do it again. You are one gutsy lady.
Kathy - 2005-12-14 14:48:56
My head spins just reading about what you're having to deal with! You poor thing!
Grizmom - 2005-12-14 17:11:46
PC, you know Santa will find you no matter where you roam! The question is have you been good or not!:) This too shall pass and all will again be well. Hang in there. You're tuff, just like your Mama. Well, looking back, perhaps it's a family trait! Happy Holidays no matter where you land!

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