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Beautiful Girl

9:41 p.m.

Hey, did you happen to see the most beautiful girl in the world?

Today Youngest Son's day care held a garage sale. It was really too cold and windy for it, and they didn't have a very good turnout. I scored this fashion accessory for a quarter, though, and Youngest Son loves it. Can't wait till he's a teenager and we get to show this picture off! And those are address labels on his shirt. I don't have any stickers for him, but I've got plenty of those, and he's tickled with them.

Oldest Son would have no part of trying on the hat and pigtails, because he knew Hubby would snap a picture before he could get it off his head. And he's right.

We went out tonight to see the big park Christmas lights again, and the line was at least three miles long. We've sat in that line when it was approximately a mile out, and it took forever. It didn't take long to make our decision to turn around, but both kids were disappointed. Eventually we drove around a few neighborhoods, trying to find some cute displays, but finally gave up. Everything was bland...white lights, an occasional Santa or snowman.

1 comments so far loki-katt - 2004-12-16 13:08:10
Our buddy Al could give them Yankees a lesson or two on holiday decorations, no?

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