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Just some catching up.

12:02 p.m.

Today seems like a really good day to bake, doesn't it? Thank you, I take your silence as total agreement. Some oatmeal cookies with chopped pecans and raisins sound heavenly.

I've already got a pot of red beans simmering, and they smell so good. Oddly enough, while they'll be tasty tonight, they'll be even better tomorrow, and even better than that the next day. As someone who is not really a big fan of leftovers, I love me some leftover red beans and rice.


This has been quite a week. Crammed with dentist appointments, soccer matches, vet visits, teacher conferences, trick-or-treating, doctor visits, having a new sidewalk poured in our backyard, getting a new countertop installed in our bathroom and some painting done, and last but not least, transcripts, too. I told Cinzel last night it feels like I haven't even been off this week. I think the kids and Hubby feel it, too. There was no talk this morning of what are we going to do today. We're all chilling and enjoying it.


I started taking Claritin and Mucinex for my sinus/allergy crap, and I feel a lot better this morning. I've had a prescription of the Flonase before, and I just couldn't tell any difference with it. Fall is always bad for me, and a lot of times it trails on into winter, too. There were several fall/winter bouts in New Orleans where I lost my voice. That really sucks, and I do go to the doctor if I'm headed down that path. Double ditto for the bronchitis path. Luckily, it didn't get that bad this time.


I have one more week off before starting a four-week court term, the last one of the year. One week of it is a short week, due to Thanksgiving.

I have invited my brother and his kids for Thanksgiving, as well as my mom, and I'm mailing a letter to my half-brother today inviting him and his kids.

My brother plans on coming, but I don't have any final word on my mom yet. It'll mean one of us having to drive down and get her, and she hates putting us out. I'm thinking I may invite her best friend, too, and maybe that'll help convince her.

Hubby informed me last night he's planning on inviting his mom and all his sisters, too. I remained calm. I don't know where we'll sleep everyone and how we'll get everyone fed at the same time, and how I'll handle it all, but I didn't freak out. Yet. (That's usually my first step when there's even a threat of all the in-laws coming, to freak out.)


The puppies are doing well...growing by leaps and bounds. Right now they just look so thin, and I commented to the vet about that fact. He assured me they're growing just fine. I can hear them right now squeaking a dog toy. That means we must have been successful at getting everything in the house in their reach picked up, because they really have no use for dog toys as long as there's anything else to play with, trash to get into, laundry to string out, etc.

Queenie the kitten is doing well, too, and just got her stitches out this week (from the spaying). She has decided Jane, our 6-year-old cat that has tried to bully her around, can go to hell, and now lays where she damned well pleases. She is tolerating the puppies fairly well, but they want oh so much to play with her. Jane, on the other hand, has already kicked some puppy ass. Bad enough she's got a kitten to put up with, she will NOT be cold-nosed in the rear by some puppy. Not more than once, that is.


Hubby has been off all week this week with his back/sciatica problem. He's had three shots now, as well as two rounds of prednisone, and while it's better, it starts hurting again quickly if he does anything remotely active. I feel sorry for him, and I can tell he's really worried about it now. He has an appointment on the 14th with a neurosurgeon.

This is yet another genetic trait that his mom and sisters all suffer with. Except for the youngest sister, I think. None of them have had to have surgery for it, but his mom especially has trouble with it. When it hits her, she ends up in the bed for weeks sometimes. Hubby walks exactly like she does when his/her back is hurting. They walk like it's going to give out any second.

Got my fingers crossed this passes before that appointment. He's had a lot of flare-ups of it throughout our marriage, but none that have lasted this long.


Well, the puppies and the kids are quiet, so I'd probably best go see what everyone's up to!

Grizmom, if you're still home, have a FABULOUS time on your trip!!!

Over and out.

1 comments so far chocolate chaos - 2006-11-04 13:50:33
when i have a lot of people for dinner, i have a buffet, people serve themselves, and sit with their plate wherever they want. much easier than trying to fit everyone at a table...

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