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Put another load of laundry in.

12:56 a.m.

About half an hour ago I was sitting at my computer waiting around for some laundry to dry (and bead shopping, if you must know) when I heard a noise from the far side of the house. It was of the urping variety that parents worldwide hate to hear. Oldest Son was up and vomiting.

After stripping him down and getting him into the shower, I set about cleaning the mess up and then starting yet another load of laundry. He says he was dreaming about a sandwich and then woke up to throw up.

Tomorrow is the first day of school for him, and he is sooooo excited to get there. He swore he was feeling much better when he got out of the shower. He's not running fever and doesn't have diarrhea.

If he's feeling well in the morning, I'm inclined to go ahead and let him go to school. Hubby will be home sleeping, and OS could easily stay home, but he'll be so disappointed. On the other hand, I do hate for him to pass along any kind of bug to another kid.

Gah. The decisions in parenting are so much fun sometimes.

Over and out.

1 comments so far Shear - 2006-08-03 06:52:32
Do you think it might be the excitement of going to school that caused it? I used to do that when I was a kid. It's a tough call. There are so many viruses going around all the time.

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