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We're here with bedbugs on!

10:04 p.m.

Just dropping by quickly to say:

We're here. We did get to go in our new house tonight and leave all the crap we had to move ourselves plus the two ungrateful cats.

The Very Nice Hotel is being missed as we speak. We are in a Very Unnice Hotel here. I'm not a big hotel snob, but I do appreciate a really nice one and also know a really unnice one when I see it. We are in one. And there's a big sign saying "No Pets Allowed" right at the front door. They forgot to tell Yahoo that. I told Hubby, hell, as long as we don't get bedbugs, we can stand it a couple nights. He thinks there's a pretty good chance we could all get bedbugs.

Today was a long drawn-out day, but getting to go in the house tonight was fabulous. I'm so excited about it, and can't wait to see what it looks like when it's all done. I'll post pictures when I can. And I'll put some in of the emu, too.

On a downer note, though, Hubby very nearly hit a deer on his way out to the house tonight. He was following me, and I was really having to look for the road (we're talking in the country here, folks). He flashed his lights at me a couple times, and I thought he saw the street and I'd passed it up, but then realized no, I hadn't gotten to it yet. Once we got to the house, he told me what happened, and that he flashed his lights at me to tell me he almost hit a deer. Uh, maybe that's country language that I don't know yet? And how did he know it?

Anyway, I put deer whistles in both of our stockings yesterday, and I'm guessing they'll be installed by tomorrow night. Hitting a deer is one of my biggest fears in this part of the country. I nearly hit one one night years ago and had to pull over, it scared me so bad it made me sick.

On that cheery note :), I'll post and head to bed.

3 comments so far Cindy - 2005-12-27 08:00:34
But that's one roadkill you CAN eat. :)
skibigsky - 2005-12-27 10:18:03
Eesh. We get deer around here all the time, and we've had several near misses. Yuck.
grizmom - 2005-12-27 18:00:24
Hurray for the move! BOOOO for the deer. Let me tell ya, out here in the country, folks do flash their lights if there's something they want you to know. I'm sure you'll learn the language soon enough! But I'm glad the deer was missed and everyone was ok.

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