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Our house is empty (empty) ((empty)). Hear my echo.

8:10 p.m.

The world's fastest movers finished moving us out today. And Hubby gets a bonus point for letting me go this afternoon for a few hours. Of course I needed it to go Christmas shopping for the kids, and there were a million people in every store I went into, but still, I was miserable at the house.

I tried to clean around the movers, but I felt so in the way I finally gave up and retreated to the sun room with the dog. Where it was pleasantly warm, I might add, and the dog and I hung out, watching the cats flit from room to room, ears laid back flat to their heads.

Tomorrow the cleaning begins. Behind the couches, the refrigerator, my computer desk, the bead table, every piece of furniture not commonly moved is...stuff. Legos, Magnetix pieces, cat toys, pounds of cat hair. I mistakenly thought I usually kept my house fairly clean. I was mistaken. I wasn't cleaning it, I was merely moving all the crap under the furniture, apparently. I also need to clean the baseboards well and mop and vacuum all the rooms and clean the bathrooms, wipe out cabinets, etc. Anyone want to come over tomorrow???

Friday is paint day. Y'all are all welcome to come over that day, too!!

Over and out.

2 comments so far Cindy - 2005-12-21 22:17:47
Ummmm, I'll be thinking about you. :) Wish I could be there. And by the way, don't you know reindeer are a bottomless pit?? Food be gone...quickly! :)
Grizmom - 2005-12-22 00:42:12
You know I love ya, and if I were closer, I'd be there in a heartbeat. But, since I'm not close by, I'll be thinking of you! :)

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