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We don't need no stinkin' rules.

8:15 p.m.

Slowly but surely, I am losing my mind. Just when I think there can't be anymore problems, poof, there they are.

Nothing that can't be handled, and of course eventually it will all work out, because it has to, but in the meantime I am getting more frustrated by the day.

Our offer finally went to the seller today, but we were greeted with the news that he wants to delay closing till January 2, for income tax purposes. Bully on that! We'll be in a hotel by next Wednesday, and I'm not keen on staying in one till January 2. Nor am I interested in moving in and renting for a week or so.

The moving company rep called today and scheduled a walk-through of the house to see what they'll be moving. I think it's scheduled for tomorrow morning, but I've been on the phone so much today, I'm really not sure. If they don't show up at 9:00 tomorrow morning, then I'll know it was Monday. I can remember the time, just not what day. And I'll have the smelling salts handy, too. They're always amazed at how much crap is in our two offices. I'm guessing they won't be thrilled with the bead collection, either. But I don't care. Just get us there.

Our real estate agent in Mississippi called tonight to talk about the offer, but he also filled me in on the near carjacking he was involved in today. Cinzel, at the gas station across from his office. Good Lord!! He kept telling me this just never happens in this town, but in the short time I've been in circuit court there, I know shit happens in that town already.

I contemplated telling him, "Well, that's that. We don't want the house, then.", but I didn't have the heart to do it to him. :)

Youngest Son announced at the table tonight that Riley (little boy in his day care class) threw up today and had to go home. A sick child is all we need to ratchet up the tension some more on this little party we're having.

We're steadily eating out of our freezer in attempts to empty it, and tonight's feast was homemade chicken tenders and canned peas. Yum yum, don't you wish you were here? They were actually pretty good, though.

I let the kids have Cokes tonight, which is something I never do during the week. They were thrilled with that little prize. And I promised Oldest Son I'd make brownies tonight, too. A.) We like them, and B.) Hey, eat it or move it.

I can't promise my kids won't be eating brownies for breakfast, too, because we are out of cereal, pancake syrup, grits, and oatmeal. All the rules are out the window when you're moving, right? Right.

5 comments so far copper - 2005-12-15 20:37:26
I hope the house thing works out, and you don't have to live out of a hotel.
Grizmom - 2005-12-16 00:42:40
Oh my... I wish I had something whitty to say to lighten your load but I don't. BUT, if you could see my just laughing myself silly over it... hahaha that might do it for you! Good thing you're cut from that same mold as Grandma L - you're kicking butt and taking names AND getting the job done! You're my hero!
Cindy - 2005-12-16 06:37:24
Saw the "alleged" carjacker on the news this morning. He finally did get somebody's car and the police followed. He crashed near the river and then JUMPED IN!!! From the looks of him, I'm guessing he has priors and he's a meth head. :) Two of our probation officers were in on the "capture." I'm so proud. :)
Summer Gale - 2005-12-16 13:58:34
NOW he thinks about taxes? Holy crap!
skibigsky - 2005-12-16 14:52:22
Good luck finding a title agent that will be open on January 2nd (it's a Monday...). Ugh. If I were you, I'd join the kids in having brownies for breakfast. The world seems much better after a chocolate-laden breakfast!

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