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Roasted Toasted Chicken.

8:13 a.m.

While I'm ready for Hubby and Oldest Son to get home, I have to admit this has been a pretty easy week. Even though I've worked a bunch and beaded none, the evenings have been very relaxed and laid back with just Youngest Son and me. I think he likes being an only child, even though he is questioning where Oldest Son and Daddy are.

Remember that chicken I was fixing to bake in the last entry? And how I was nearly breaking my arm, patting myself on the back for cooking? Oh, it was a delicious chicken. I found a recipe, though, for roasted chicken that called for cooking it 15 minutes at 500, 15 minutes at 450, then 30+ minutes at 400.

I put it in the oven at 500, and went outside the next 15 minutes to help Hubby get the van ready for their trip. I came in to a smoky haze in the kitchen! Augh! Luckily, the smoke detector had not gone off yet, and I was able to get windows and doors open before it did.

I did turn it down to 450 and cook 15 minutes, but then I lowered it to about 375 for the rest of the time. And it was the best chicken I have ever baked. Very moist, crispy brown. Yum.

Wednesday afternoon when I picked up Youngest Son at day care a fly flew into my car and took up residence. No matter that I rolled down all the windows (to Youngest Son's delight!), the fly stayed. Yesterday morning I tried to shoo it out of the car with a newspaper, but it wouldn't leave. I alternated windows down off and on all day.

Then, 24 hours later when I was once again picking up Youngest Son at day care, the fly flew right back out of the car in the same parking lot where he got in the car.

I started laughing to myself, thinking, ah, so he was waiting till I brought him back to his own neighborhood so he wouldn't be lost. I can just picture all his little fly friends and family asking him, "Where have you been?" and stamping their fly feet impatiently.

I'm easily amused, aren't I?

2 comments so far chocolate chaos - 2005-04-01 13:59:22
you delayed that poor fly!!! tsk tsk. and can we assume that was a whole chicken? did you do anything else to it?? im really curious, thats quite a different recipe.....
Summer Gale - 2005-04-01 14:03:35
That makes me laugh. I wonder if his fly momma spanked him for being out all night?

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